What is Noodlebox & Sushi?
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3 steps to your box



Concept of healthy, fresh, fast and personalized food
As easy as these four words: nutritive, fresh, fast and flexible. Noodle box simplifies your menu so you can make it in just 3 easy steps. Choose the base (pasta, rice or both), then your favorite ingredients, and finally the sauces. You can combine them the way you want! All our ingredients are fresh, that's why we expose them with the bases and the sauces, so you can check by yourself. You choose what to eat and how much you want to spend. Original flavors for every taste. With our three steps menu you may combine what you want and how you want it. No matter what kind of diet you are in; we adapt to you, whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore. With the flexibility of our menu nobody is left without it share of yummy Asian food. No need to eat in the restaurant if you prefer to eat at home, on the job, on the beach...
Your menu is cooked on real time, while you are watching, in less than 5 minutes.